Keeping the world grounded since 1976


Electricity 101: How Electricity Is Measured and What Makes It Work?

Electricity 101: How Electricity Is Measured and What Makes It Work?

Electricity basics affect everyone. From mechanical engineers and business owners to individuals and homeowners. An easy and basic understanding of how electricity works can help you solve day to day problems and troubleshoot pesky outages.  So, here’s the big question: How does electricity actually work? Let’s say you’re a big camper and it’s Christmas time! […]

Does EMP Pose a Real Threat to The Earth?

Does EMP Pose a Real Threat to The Earth?

An electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, is a form of fast-moving electromagnetic energy. It is capable of damaging and destroying electronic components as well as equipment, and it can also result in voltage challenges and transformer damage. EMP has triggered many concerns among everyone from policy experts and technical journals to preparedness websites and the media.  […]

How Does EMI Affect Wireless Communications Systems?

How Does EMI Affect Wireless Communications Systems?

With an ever-increasing reliance on digital communication and connectivity, innovative methods evolve to meet these communication demands. Electromagnetic transmission systems power information technology applications such as cordless devices, wireless networking, and satellites among many others. As the usage of these devices rises, so does electromagnetic radiation within the electromagnetic system in which the systems operate.  […]

Top Risks of Electromagnetic Interference and What to do about it

Top Risks of Electromagnetic Interference and What to do about it

Electromagnetic interference is the electronic emittance of electronic noise. These unwanted signals are generated by electrical equipment and flow through electrical circuits and both the simple and complex wiring of electronics. While these signals do enable the operation of electrical equipment, they also produce undesirable consequences. In some cases, these side effects are not detectable, […]

How a Capacitor Works as an EMI/EMC Filter

How a Capacitor Works as an EMI/EMC Filter

The capacitor is a component/device that stores or “holds up” an electrical charge into the electronic circuitry. This applied charge and discharge method greatly reduces the magnetically driven electrical impulses; plus can turn an electrical flow constant into a series of electrical impulses, reducing or eliminating the culprit RFI / EMI. The Simple Process of […]

The Importance of Following Compliance Requirements During the Design Phase

The Importance of Following Compliance Requirements During the Design Phase

Aerospace & Military manufacturing industries employ engineers that may include manufacturing, telecommunications, composite component, and electronic / electrical product sectors. In order to keep the redesign and retesting costs down to a minimum, all of the engineering design / manufacturing groups must comply with the contract parameters from concept to delivery. For example, the Mil-Standards […]